Sunday, March 8, 2015


HO A LAND THAT CAPTURES YOUR HEART.....In an area north of Accra, we were able to go and spend a weekend among the saints there. The area is called Ho, and it is the birthplace of the beautiful Kente cloth that is woven here. We were privileged to go with Elder Vinson, of the Area Presidency and his wife, to this beautiful area that almost has stopped time. We had a gentleman, a former bishop Emanuel, come with us to show us the backroads of his community. We were driving down the road at one point were we literally had Ghana on one side and Togo on the other side of the road. Elder Terry is convinced that Elder Vinson swerved in the road and went into Togo. Emanuel took us in the hidden areas where kente cloth was being weaved, clay pots were being made by hand, celebrations of schools, yarn being dyed for cloth and the branches welcoming us with such giant spirits. We feel so blessed to be in this land where their culture meets our minds and hearts with such awe and amazement. Notice in the picture of the woman making the pot that they don't bend their knees. How can they do this for hours year after year? And that is leaves that she is using to smooth the pot.  I'm just wondering who will be carrying these priceless treasures home.

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