Saturday, January 17, 2015


After almost 4 months, the Literacy Program will be rolled out all across Ghana. That would be 22 Stakes with 176 units. It is an exciting day as I went and taught the first Stake in Tesano the other day. In the Leadership training, we discussed their leadership and follow up to ensure the program's success. This is Stake President Abeo and his Stake Relief Society President Alice. I'm privileged to stand beside such champions of His gospel here. They know their flock and were the first Stake in all of Ghana to receive training. The picture was taken at the end of our training meeting where we had all Bishops/District Presidents, Stake RS Presidency, Ward RS Presidency's in attendance. We had around 40 in attendance with some coming from long distances to attend. As I stood before them, I could feel their dedication and support in this effort to bring the words of Christ into all the homes within their Stake. As I attend what use to be the literacy classes here, my heart would break for those that had come to learn to read, write and understand His words. They would go to the chalkboard and struggle to write their name for the first time. I always feel a swell within my heart as they step back from the chalkboard and see their own name written by themselves for the first time. It is as if they are someone who graces this earth. I can't wait to come together and learn from each other in ways that will further the work of literacy in this great land.

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